- Search for a job
- Sort jobs by status. Statuses include, Bidding, Out for Signature, Active, Pending Changes, or Lead.
- Show job history, including rejected bids and jobs that have been closed and archived.
- Show job tags that have been assigned to this job. Tags are used to search for jobs more easily.
- Job status, which here shows active. Click the job’s status to view and edit information about the job/bid.
- Project name and client
- Contract style chosen for this job. These include Fixed price, Fixed Price with AIA Billing, Cost Plus/Other, and Maintenance contracts.
- The number of project plan phases currently in this bid/job.
- Invoice the client directly here.
- Expected revenue from this job.
- Expected cost from performing this job.
- Profit and Loss value and percentage.
- Total billed amount so far.
- Work in progress to be billed.
- Cost breakdown by materials, labor, and subcontractors.
- A job in the bidding stage.
- Make a bid active
- Mark the bid as rejected by the client. This will close the bid, and you will not be able to continue working on it.
- Bid opportunity value