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Additional Invoice Options

When you are creating your invoices in Knowify, you have several tools at your disposal to get the custom invoice document that you need.

For progress invoices, you will see a Display More Options link when you are determining what you will be invoicing for. This will give you the following additional options to automate the process of customizing some aspects of the invoice (including the ability to import information from the contract).

You have the option to set the invoice number, payment terms, PO# (Let a member of our support team know if you want the PO# to be displayed on your documents), and invoice date. You’ll also have a text box above the line items, to add any comments to show up in the header of the document.

You’ll also have the ability to edit how the line items/pricing appear on the invoice. Any of the line item names are editable, by just clicking in the box with the item name, you can change the text to anything you want (You can also learn more about bringing in contract information to the invoice here!).

This is also the case for the price of each line item, though we would usually only recommend editing the price on the invoice as an option for time and materials jobs, since you’re setting the line item prices for fixed jobs through the contract’s progress invoicing tools. On time and materials jobs you will also have the option to edit each entries’ markup %, though this column and the ‘Our Cost’ columns will not be displayed to the client on the invoice.

You can also group line items together if you want to organize how certain things are displayed on the invoice, or if you prefer to show one line item with the total cost as opposed to a full breakdown of line items on the invoice. The bottom comments box can also be used as a place to put in any information you need displayed on the invoice document, below the line items and totals.

You can also group line items together by employee name, job phase, line item automatically, with the option located just below the bottom comments (This is especially helpful for our Cost-Plus/Time&Materials jobs!) :