- Project Report
- P&L report
- Work Order
- Total actual and budgeted costs, sorted by materials, labor, and subcontractors.
- Search for a job phase within your project plan.
- View and download Gantt Chart.
- View current dates for this phase.
- This is a phase. When it is blue, it is considered a job phase, in which you can add materials and labor to your cost. We can switch it to a subcontractor phase, which will turn it green, in order to assign a subcontractor to complete this work. The icons, from left to right, indicate whether the phase is a catalog item (click for more details), allow space to write in and view a work order for this phase, and view/write a comment for users performing work on this phase to view.
- You can set dependencies to ensure the order of work that is completed. For example, you can say Interior/Drywall cannot be started until Site Prep is marked as complete.
- Total costs / budgeted costs for this phase.
- Material added to this plan.
- Ordered Quantity of this material.
- How this item was added to the plan. This could be via catalog, Purchase Order, or a Bill.
- Labor cost/budget
- Resources assigned/scheduled for this phase.
- Phase status. Phases can be marked as Pending, Active, or Closed when work is completed.
- Order materials and create a purchase order.
- Labor actual time/scheduled time.
- Schedule resources onto this phase.
- Assign a subcontractor to perform work on this phase.
- Use this plan as a template for future jobs. When creating a new job, you can start from a template, which will load up all of this project plan’s information onto the new job. This can provide a head start for your next project, if you expect the work to be similar.
- Switch this job to edit mode to make changes to this plan.