Automate your bidding with templates - Feature of the week - Knowify
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October 7, 2019
Brandi Shea Doggett

Feature of the week – Service templates

At Knowify we recognize the importance of time and efficiency. We try to implement different resources to make the job flow seamless. Do you have a job that you need to budget but can only seem to do so per hour? Do you know how much area you have and would like to calculate the material, labor, and even subcontractor prices? Then Service Templates have you covered!

If your company has a service you provide, but you charge per unit, not per hour, then service templates are a perfect way to automate your jobs. You start by giving some details as to what this service is and what kind of work goes into it. Next you can really break down how this service works by entering the unit you are working with, and the default price you charge per unit. See below an example of a service template filled out.

Automatic calculation of budgets | Service template | Knowify feature

Pro tip – Anything you type in the Scope of Work will be pulled over as Work Orders in the Plan & Track. Thus saving you time, and enhancing communication between you and your employees. (You can always edit the WO to cater to each specific job.)

We also have an easy way for you to bring in service templates to the Plan & Track. (You can select the template you would like to use from the list of service templates you created.)

Once you type in the quantity of units, Knowify calculates the budget for materials, labor, and subs.

Automatic calculation of budgets | Service template | Knowify feature

Why would you want to break down a service template?

Well, if you layout your service template for any specific job, you can create the specific labor and materials for the whole phase in a single service template! If you know the employee role and how many hours they will work on this job, or the amount of materials you will need, you can add this to the service template and further automate the job. The more time and effort you spend entering information in the service template, the less time and headaches when creating future jobs!

Knowify service template breakdown | Service template | Knowify feature

Are you concerned service templates only cater to smaller projects?

Absolutely not! At Knowify we encourage bigger and better ambitions. If you work with larger scale jobs and would like to create a service template to make your life easier, then creating a service template to cater to your company will make the job creation process quick and effortless. If you get a job that is a fraction of the area, changing the numbers around is as easy as a few keystrokes!

So, who are service templates for?

Anyone who wants to spend less time typing, and more time expanding their company:

  • Creating service templates will automate your jobs and reduce the amount of time normally devoted to something like this.
  • Less time will be needed to train new members of the team on how to budget/create jobs. All they will need to be taught is which services you offer, and the amount of units your job calls for, and this training session just became a whole lot simpler.

If you are worried you will have to create a service template for every single job you have, don’t be! Nothing is set in stone, so feel free to change any of these details in the Plan & Track accordingly.

For a more detailed walkthrough on how this works, check out our video tutorial.

Thanks for reading about our feature of the week! For any more info on this please feel free to email us at support@knowify.com.