#QBConnect 2020 - Accounting conference - Knowify
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Construction bookkeeping & accounting
November 16, 2020
Marc Visent

#QBConnect 2020

The event of the year is just around the corner! Yes, QBConnect! The accounting community will virtually gather on Wednesday (November, 18) to learn and discuss business trends and apps.

The Knowify team is going to be there ready to share new features and insights on the construction industry. We’re looking forward to meeting our old friends and connecting with new accounting professionals interested in working with construction clients.

A few “can’t miss” events for us from the QBConnect agenda will be:

11:00 AM – 11:55 AM (PST)

Accounting for the future: How to make the transition to advisory
by Ron Baker, Juliet Aurora, Dan Luthi, and Erin Vukelich

2:30 PM – 3:25 PM (PST)

The customer success journey with QuickBooks Solution Providers
by Sean McCaffery, Marjorie Adams, Jim Wells, Hector Garcia

If you want a demo of Knowify and find out how we can help your construction clients or have questions about any of our features, do not hesitate to connect in our Zoom room.