You’re busy—really busy. Running your business, working on many jobs at once, and expected to remember every detail of every job. How do you manage to remember these details? With Knowify of course! We have a handy Job log that will track every step of the way: what has happened with a job, when it happened, and who made it happen.
In case this is a new feature to you, let me introduce you: meet your job log. Your job log displays a chronological timeline of your job and merges user actions, comments, documents, and emails to capture the whole job history, giving you the ability to see and analyze how the job has evolved.
Here it is:
Let’s break down the job log together.
Your job log will track all of the little details that happen with your job. Some these details include: when your employees clock in and out, approved change orders, when something goes out for signature, when your documents get signed, when a purchase is created, when a PO is closed, etc. As you can see in the picture, the job log doesn’t just show that it has been done but it shows you who did it and at what time and date. This gives you full visibility of what has happened in your job and helps communication of who did what and when. If at any point you want to get a closer look at one of the actions you can select it and it will bring you to that screen.
Comments on the job log are great for communicating to the team about the project. Simply go to your log and type the comment and your workers can comment back to you through comments in their mobile app. If you direct the comment at a certain phase you will notice that it will appear in the plan & track area as well, and if you post a comment to a phase in Plan & Track it will end up in your job log.
Any and all documents that are sent out or stored in the job will be tracked in the job log and accessible with a click of a button. This gives you the ability to see when they were sent out and preview them (and download them) right from your job log.
User actions, comments and documents are the three standard items that will automatically appear in your job log. Our fourth item, email, is only available upon request. If you wish to enable this feature contact us at
By including the unique ID code given for each job in your email subject line, and cc’ing, your emails will also appear in your job log so you can really see all communications around the job. This way you will have all of those emails in your job log in addition to capturing the email correspondence around your Knowify-generated proposals, change order, invoices, and more. For more detailed information on how this works, check out our guide.
Thanks for reading about our feature of the week! For any more info on this please feel free to email us at